Thursday, April 26, 2007

he, he

weird how it's this little thing in the corner... i'm pretty ignorant when it comes to this stuff... sorry

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Do you ever feel like posting something without having anything to say? I dunno, I'm tired of seeing the previous post at the top. This is my main motivation for writing this post. Like i said, i have nothing to say, nor anything interesting to share. I'm just filling space and procrastinating from the PP-presentation i'm working on for a class. As i was 'googling' for some visual illustrations for a point i am attempting to make, i came across these shoes by Van Gogh. I just liked the painting, and felt like posting it (additionally it'll take up more room to make this post seem longer), and in doing so i'm probably breaking multiple copyright laws... sorry, Vincent

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

One of my favorite things about the internet

is when I randomly and accidentally stumble upon a website that I did not know existed; yet brings me great joy to browse and read. Today, I was procrastinating a little in the library, and unexpectedly found a website which I was unaware. It's not that it's going to change my life forever, it's just a pleasant feeling to find something good in the midst of all the randomness out there on this world wide web. It probably won’t have the same impact on me tomorrow or the next time I visit the site, but for a few moments it made me smile. I don't think it was the website itself that made me excited (because truthfully, it's not that great) but it was more the unexpected discovery itself. A similar reaction could be expected if I were to drive through some particularly beautiful scenery as I am going somewhere I have yet not been, or if my channel surfing results in finding a good movie that I have not seen. So although the experience itself is pleasant (the scenery or movie), the joy of the actual discovery in itself is of equal impact and importance.

Monday, April 16, 2007

booking airline tickets

especially on the internet, is the most anoying and frustrating thing ever, it never goes as smoothly as one initially thinks/hopes/plans... but we finally got it worked out though...

Coming home July 3rd and staying until the 31st!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Jesus' death

yes i know a few weeks late... I was reading in John the other day about how the Pharisees, claimed they were not allowed to carry out a death penalty (John 18:31). as i was reading this it struck me(for the very first time) that this was contrary (their actions, not the Bible) to the incident where Jesus stops the Pharisees from stoning the adulterous woman (John 8:2-11). Why did they retreat to claiming that they were not allowed to execute Jesus themselves? The whole court case against him was the biggest farce in human history anyways. Why get so stuck on this, when so many other laws and regulations were broken? Why not just go ahead and stone him in some back alley... doubt a single Roman would every have noticed or cared. There is of course one obvious 'larger' answer; it happened so that the prophecies concerning Jesus death would be fulfilled (e.g. John 18:32, Zechariah 12:10, Psalms 22:16). but I'm more curious as to what was going through the Pharisees minds as they decided to not take matters into their own hands... (fear of the people?) I'm sure that if i could be bothered to look in a commentary or two i might find answers rather than semi-coherent postulations... if i do indeed look this up and find some answers, i might just let you know, unless this is answered in a satisfactory way by others who might comment. As this is unlikely (not the intellectual capabilities of the two people who might read this, but rather the possibility of anyone commenting), as is my own further study on the subject, this will probably remain an incomplete or rather unconcluded discussion. Not that this was really the hope of this post; it’s purpose was to ask the question rather than to find the answer (not, that this is a good thing, I’m just plain lazy, and I have Greek homework to do)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

i just couldn't resist

The pic is from Easter Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa's:

He's doing really well, growing something awful. He has the appetite of his dad. He's usually in a good mood, especially on the changing table, which i find a little strange.. difficult for me to interpret the reasons for this seemed pleasure... hope it's not an indication of things to come... as i told my brother in law the other day; i will never look at Dijon mustard in the same way, and certainly not put it on my sandwich. He's even got to the point of laughing, smiling (as evidenced here) and making some really weird sounds...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

On blogging, MySpacing, facebooking and so on and so forth

Why do we join all there network/blog things? i rarely, if ever update any of these, present blog excluded, yet i find my self checking them all on an almost daily basis. Why? few of my contacts update their sites either, yet i continue to check them. little or no information is actually gleaned nor is there much direct contact. it is simply this 'passive' interaction via reading other people's posts/notes/updates... i think to some extent it is my own need for being 'in the loop', but why? am i really this insecure? seemingly, i am. this bothers me a little... even so, i'll more than likely continue to check tomorrow and the next day and the day after that...

an even more interesting feature of this whole issue, is that there is rarely any further interaction concerning a specific post, with the actual person; with only one or two exceptions, i cannot remember reading and or commenting on someone’s blog, myspace etc, and then talking about said post further in person the next time we meet face to face. Why is there this chasm between 'virtual' and 'real' conversations?


I've been catching myself spending a little too much time here, yet it is hard to stop, thoroughly enjoyable. Would highly recommend that you stop by, or even join.