Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Well I decided today that...

...I'm really going to try to start blogging on a consistent basis. Granted, my track record is far from impressive, but you never know, this time it might stick. There's just so much blog-stuff out there now, I’m kind of sick of the whole thing - everybody has 5 different sites which they rarely update. What's the point of it all?

Life is good right now, back in school, and although time off is always appreciated, it is nice to start back up. I think this term will be pretty interesting, hopefully signed up for some good classes... I'm getting pretty sick of the drive down to school though; a little over an hour and a half one way twice a week... blah, but the school is worth it ;)

We've been waiting 9 and a half months (tomorrow) for our first child to enter into the world. If your math and biology skills are up to snuff, you ought to have been able to discern from the previous sentence that he is now 2 weeks past the original due date. It is strange how all-consuming it becomes the longer he waits. David W. kept whispering the word 'baby' after every other sentence I spoke as we were hanging out yesterday; and this is truly how it is. it is virtually impossible to think and focus on anything else.

On a completely different note; I am in a (so far, purely mental) process of thinking of why do I go to church. There are many external factors which cause me to go; I teach MS Sunday school, I meet family and friends there, I feel guilty if I skip for no reason, and I believe the Bible tells me to. But why, when I am deeply and brutally honest with my self, do I really go? Should there not be other motivations than these? I'm supposed to meet with and worship God, right? Yet how often do I actually do this? Sadly, not as often as I would like... Why is this the case? Why it (or seems) so hard?


1 comment:

Snuten said...

Hey There Kissa!

Eg skrive på norsk, så forstår ikkje alle andre ka det går i.
Uansett; spennandes dage for tiå forstår eg! Ja, me vente på et lite signal fra andra sidå av dammen, om et lite barn som kom te verden!!

Ellers e det stilt og rolig som vanlig her i gamle-byen. Ikkje så møje som skjer.

Me jobbe og står i, uden de heilt store happeningane. -ingenting som kan måla seg me det du og fruen vente på....

Ellers glede me oss fortsatt te å snart treffa dokke -alle tri!!


PS! Kjekt me blogging elle?