As I am now a few months into my 30s I realize that age doesn't matter. I feel more or less the same as when I was 20 or 25. There are many people much younger or older than I, that I'd much rather spend time with than many people my own age.
My only goal this decade is to finish a marathon at least every other year. I don't want to be one of those guys who stayed in decent shape and then all of a sudden give up and added forty pounds when they hit their 30s. Staying in marathon completing shade will hopefully keep me healthy for a long time to come.
We can barely fathom just how gracious God is. We know we struggle to comprehend all the "omni" attributes about God, but i am convinced that his mercy and grace are far more difficult to truly realize fully. (I guess if we did, even the thought of sinning would be beyond distasteful to us.)
Few things come even close mattering like God and family.
Way to beat the clock, twice in a month.
The last two paragraphs are meaningful to me too, if the sentence at the end can be called a paragraph.
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