Little else happening... still no baby... can't remember whether or not I mentioned that our heater busted. It's so old that we're not sure whether it's worth fixing. Either way, the cost is going to be ridiculous. The timing is of course impeccable...
I'm still eating awesome bread - it makes me smile...
My good friend Kjell emailed me this pic. It made me laugh, so i figured i'd share it:

i can't wait to meet the new tjemsland!
(i didn't know you had a blog, do you want me to link to your blog instead of your myspace?)
Whoa. This exists. Such goodness aware of which I never was.
Thank you for commenting on Jessi's site so I could discover this, and now let's go ahead and show the world this new Tjemsland. I know Leah is loving being pregnant and all, but the time for selfishness is complete.
You two are in my prayers, and I hope to see the three of you soon.
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