In order that the reading of this post will not have been a complete waste of time for you, I will have a small competition exclusively for my NON-Scandinavian readers. Name this beloved Norwegian:

Answers can be posted in the 'comments'. Winner will receive honor and glory in the form of an exclusive post devoted to him/her, wherein every possible positive attribute is mentioned with great fanfare, followed by an oversized picture of them (if any such picture is submitted), as well as some fantastic, recently smuggled Norwegian chocolate (when/if you come to visit our home).
MySpace is a dangerous place, Kristian.
For anyone that wants to win the prize, don't bother Google Image searching "Scandinavia Comic"/Cartoon/Strip, or the same things with "Norway" and "Sweden" being the country.
Also, from what I can tell, it's not a Duck Edwing (Mad Comics writer) character, although he looks like one.
I don't think it's a monkey or a monster.
I tried.
I know.
But what help is that? -I'm Norwegian...
I can help you all by telling you that its a male animal, and he is one of the main-carachters in a famous Norwegian movie...
Kissa; om ingen av udlendingane klare det, så kan eg mella øvagang te Legoland...
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