Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Chow Fan deliciousness

No run scheduled today. So I headed to the Y instead. Nothing fancy, just a couple of circuits.

- Oatmeal w/apple sauce, scramble eggs, glass raw milk.
- One PB&J and one ham & cheese sandwich, two carrots. Prot. shake.
- Two bowls fried rice. Apple tart w/ vanilla ice cream.
- Snacks: Handful of pecans and raisins, prot. shake.
- Slice of bread w/canned makrell in tomato sauce, it's almost 11pm, and I shouldn't eat it, but it's virtually impossible to pass up freshly baked bread.

Noticed at work today that I was able to restrain myself from bad snacks as I knew I'd have to post them here. Encouraged that the blog then serves it's new purpose.

Nothing new here. Trying to get an English language Norwegian birth certificate is proving to be more difficult that it ought.

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