Sunday, September 04, 2011

The second reason

We're moving to Ethiopia as missionaries in Jan 2012. There'll be lost of stress, joys and weirdness related to that, so this mit be a good place to put some of that into words. More on this later.


We're going with the mission agency (NMS) that sent us to Hong Kong in my childhood. We'll primarily be partnering with Mekane Yesus (the Lutheran church in Ethiopia). We'll primarily be helping train local pastors, evangelists and lay leaders in the western part of the country. We'll living in Bodji, so small it doesn't show up on Google Maps(!)

- Scrambled eggs, bowl of oatmeal w/ maple syryp and frozen blueberries.
- A lot of meat, two potatoes, salad. Two brownies, scoop of vanilla ice cream.
- Two servings Mac and cheese with peas and ham.
- Scoop vanilla ice cream and a pie e of Leah's apple almond tart.

Nothing scheduled; recovery day... Sorely (pardon the pun) needed, knees and calves are really sore.

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